Sunday, April 25, 2010

Outdoor Fun

Today, I worked out in the yard with the hubs and the puppies. I put Josey and Jesse in a laundry basket secured to the front of the 4-wheeler. They rode around in the basket most of the afternoon as I worked clearing and moving limbs and brush from the back of the yard. After a while, they lay down in the basket and went to sleep. Guess I can say they are getting use to the 4-wheeler now. I plan to take them with us when we hit the trails on the ATVs.
I bought them a car seat, but haven't tried it out yet. I hope it will help control the motion sickness when we travel. They will be able to look out the window. Will have to plan a road trip soon to try it out.
We are training. I have been walking around the house and the yard with puppies tethered to my waist trying to teach them that I am the Alpha Dog and I am suppose to do the leading. They haven't learned that very well yet, as they continue to try to drag me. Poor babies, they are not big enough to drag me anywhere. I feel like I am a walking puppy treat machine. I keep puppy treats in my pocket and a clicker around my neck. When they do something right - like piddle outside - I press the clicher and immediately give them a treat. They get very excited when they hear the clicker or see my hand move toward my pocket. I am considering puppy kindergarten at PetSmart. Some would say it would be a waste of time and money, but hey, it is my time and money, so what the hey............

1 comment:

  1. What lucky little puppies...I can just seeing them riding int the basket and then napping! Puppy Kindergarten will be great...they are so lucky to have you as their MOM!!!
